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Morning After

The Morning After

Yes, it’s the Morning After … that revolting regurgitant chorus you’re hearing is the sound of millions of Covidian Cultists down on their knees in their gender-neutral bathrooms praying to the Porcelain God.

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vladimir putin

Revenge of the Putin-Nazis!

Yes, that’s right, folks, Vladimir Putin, leader of the Putin-Nazis and official “Evil Dictator of the Day,” has launched a Kamikazi attack on the United Forces of Goodness (and Freedom) to provoke us into losing our temper and waging a global thermonuclear war that will wipe out the entire human species and most other forms of life on earth!

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trudeau bunker

SCOOP: Live Coverage of Trudeau from His Secret Ottawa Bunker

The Canadian capital is currently surrounded on all sides by the forces of the Canadian Trucker’s Union. And although the fall of the capital is though to be imminent, the Canadian leader remains defiant, insisting that any defeat will be entirely the fault of the Canadian people, for their weakness and failure to Respect his Authoritah!

In Other News has obtained this secretly recorded, live footage of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a tense cabinet meeting held at Trudeau’s secret underground bunker, near the Canadian parliament building in the besieged national capital of Ottawa.

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covidian cult

The Last Days of the Covidian Cult

This isn’t going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical jabbering, mass deleting of embarrassing tweets. There’s going to be a veritable tsunami of desperate rationalizing, strenuous denying, shameless blame-shifting, and other forms of ass-covering, as suddenly former Covidian Cult members make a last-minute break for the jungle before the fully-vaxxed-and-boosted “Safe and Effective Kool-Aid” servers get to them.

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