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Dear Nicky Hager…

Nicky Hager

You may now be part of the ‘Old Guard’!

New Zealand has lost one of its greatest investigative journalists. Nicky Hager was a researcher, writer and thorn in the side of politicians of every stripe.

For his fearless pursuit of truth and his willingness to dig in the social and political dirt others turned their noses up at, this nation owes Hager a debt of gratitude.

Hager gained my respect not only for his work, but for his legal fight to protect journalistic sources and integrity, when his home was raided and his records seized by government officials.

So I was disappointed and saddened to read Hager’s recent piece in The Spinoff, and to learn that he has gone over to The Dark Side and thrown in his lot with those he used to question, and demand answers from. No more… That Nicky Hager has gone.

For Hager’s article to appear as it did on a site that bills itself as ‘Keeping Independent Journalism Alive’, when The Spinoff is in reality nothing more than a rent-boy for the current government, was an irony upon the sadness.

You can read the Hager article I refer to here…

In response to the demise of Hager’s integrity, Alex Hills, Auckland architect, activist, violinist and former academic, wrote a moving letter to him, and recorded it in a video. I’m sure the feelings she expresses and the questions she asks are shared by many New Zealanders who once, like me, respected Hager for standing up for all of us. It seems, unfortunately, that Hager is no longer with us.


Published 14 November 2021

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