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The Insiders Report: 06

Trans Wars

IN OTHER NEWS: There is a certain movement in societies around the world to blur the distinction
between male and female. Not just in terms of gender identity, but in terms of physical or biological sex.
This has become manifest in the promotion of the trans-sexual agenda, trans-sports movement, and the targeting of children below the age of consent, particularly in schools.
This movement does not seem to correspond with the general consensus within those societies but rather, appears to be a particular agenda driven by a certain section of society.
References to this movement seem to have been around since the late 1960’s but it really seems to have gained momentum in the 2020’s.
What can you tell us about what is really going on, who is behind this agenda and what they seek to achieve with it.

THE INSIDERS: This agenda as you call it is highly significant to those who seek to dominate societies as a whole around the world. There are several layers of purpose behind this which we can go into individually, to help to explain what these people seek to achieve.

On the first level, it is a tool designed to make it easier for these elements within society to coerce the wider population into agreeing with their program of control. There is certainly an element of “if you can make people agree to this, they will agree to anything”. But more than a catchy punch-line, there is some genuine reality to this. The distinction between male and female is so widespread, that if that line can be blurred, then people begin to feel that nothing is really solid and foundational for them.

This is extremely damaging to the coherence of society and to the stability and wellbeing of the individuals within that community. Now those who seek to wield influence know and understand this well, and that is one of the reasons why it is being driven so relentlessly. That is, for its ability to destroy the cohesiveness of societies and in a way the individual confidence, or the confidence of individuals, both within that society, but about it; about that society and its structure.

People as a whole do not deal well with uncertainty. They will in most cases seek to avoid vagueness because it is unsettling. And those who seek to unduly influence global society are well aware of this unsettling characteristic and are more than willing to exploit it.

You mentioned the arena of sports and this has been a very effective way to play society at large; to inspire doubt in the very fabric and cohesiveness of society. Now of course these methods are effective because everybody knows that they are untrue. But because they, these ideas, have been adopted and very effectively promoted in recent times, it is not the general public’s of understanding of what it is to be male or female, what is left or right, what is up or down that is shaken, but it is those individuals trust in society that is so effectively eroded. And that is precisely what is sought by those seeking to influence society.

Now you may think that there is an irony that those who seek to undermine trust in society are those who also promote a far more authoritarian role for government over society. But you might also see that this is really a part of the same ploy to engender distrust, to break down cohesion amongst people, amongst communities and amongst greater society as a whole.

You can see this in action within your own political establishment in New Zealand, most particularly at this time with regard to race and ethnicity. Where neither side in the argument over the place of the Treaty of Waitangi for example, neither side in this argument seeks a closer union, so to speak; a more cohesive society. A more equal, if we can use that terms, society. But rather, their arguments are partisan; they seek to promote disunion and in doing so become part of this greater movement that seeks to do the same across the globe.

Now we will not speak at this time about who specifically leads this movement. That is perhaps for another occasion. But what is important is the goal that these individuals seek to achieve. That of direct authority and dominance. And they do so by means of what may most simply be described as divide and conquer. The more division, the more hatred, the more partisan, the more broken a society can be made, the less trust that society has in its institutions and its more conventional leadership, or at least elected representatives. And in the absence of trust in these institutions and in those empowered by society to lead and direct those institutions, the greater the propensity for that society to effectively collapse and become weakened to the point where it can be more easily dominated.

Now this is something that has been seen before, in quite recent history. You need only cast your eyes back to the early and middle 20th century in Europe particularly, where brutal warfare, as in the example of World War One, led to a collapse in the authority of monarchy. And then The Great Depression led to a collapse in people’s trust in their institutions. And in that case, those who would seek to influence and dominate over the societies of the world, were able to exploit that collapse in societal cohesion and were very nearly successful in establishing their dominance over the world.

The ability of most societies to sustain wars on the scale of those seen in the 20th century has been largely depleted or rendered ineffective by the advent of nuclear weapons. It would be virtually impossible for most societies or nations to sustain all-out, total war for a period of years necessary to deplete those societies or nations of their capital, both human and treasure. And so, those who seek this power and influence use other means to corrode societies and nations. And the Gender War, as it has become known, is but one of those other means to effectively corrode societies from within. By corroding trust both in fellow citizens and in the institutions.

These people know what they are doing and are very adept at doing it.

Now this may sound to be all doom and gloom, but there is an effective countermeasure. One that cannot be defeated and one that will serve to reinforce that which is good and strong and true within society. And that is honesty.

When the members of a society are willing to be honest with one another about their values, about what is important to them, about that which is true and are willing to do so with a desire to find and express that which reflects rightness, and to do so with the power of humility, this can bring about great change for the positive. It can re-establish and reinforce the trust and the faith of people in one another and in their shared values. And it is these shared values that are the basis for the various institutions within that society. You’ll see that how those institutions are composed or constructed varies from society to society, from nation to nation, from country to country, but they are reflective of the shared values of the people that constitute that society.

There is much to be said on this topic and no doubt the opportunity will arise to speak further. But for this time, that is sufficient to consider.

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