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The Insiders Report: 07


IN OTHER NEWS: As we approach the five-year anniversary of COVID-19 first appearing, there is increasing speculation of some new pandemic to be declared. This time perhaps much more severe, allowing the engenderment of far greater fear amongst the public. Such a situation would supposedly require more stringent rules than last time, much stricter compliance and far wider curtailment of our freedom and liberties.

As an example, I found an article in the medical journal Nature (Vaccines) regarding a study led by Diane Williamson, a fellow at the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Porton Down*, which stated in its Abstract:

“There is a compelling demand for approved [bubonic] plague vaccines due to the endemicity of Yersinia pestis and its potential for pandemic spread. Whilst substantial progress has been made, we recommend that the global funding and health security systems should work urgently to translate some of the efficacious vaccines reviewed herein to expedite clinical development and to prevent future disastrous plague outbreaks, particularly caused by antimicrobial resistant Y. pestis strains.”


Which seems to rather conflict with the CDC in the US, which states on its website…

“Because human [bubonic] plague is rare in most parts of the world, there is no need to vaccinate persons other than those at particularly high risk of exposure. Routine vaccination is not necessary for persons living in areas with enzootic plague such as the western United States.”


Now this is just one example, but the concern that something sinister is afoot is widespread. Can you comment on the existence or otherwise of any plans for a new outbreak of disease or other such threat to significantly curtail public freedoms. And if so, can you offer us advice on how to best retain our freedoms and liberties in the face of such threats?

THE INSIDERS: Your question is indeed timely. As you mentioned, the fifth anniversary of the appearance of COVID-19 is at hand. What we can say on this matter is that what you saw during that time, during the COVID-19 period you might say, was what might be called a practice run. It was a test of systems and of the level of public compliance. And although it may have seemed at the time that the measures taken were extreme, they are but a taste of what is yet to come if some get their way.

We would say that this ambition is by no means widespread, but amongst those who share this ambition, it is powerfully held. And these people are not motivated by the benefit of their fellow citizens. Although it will of course be dressed in this disguise. But it is instead a manifestation of great cynicism and a rejection of wider humanity from a perspective of perceived superiority. That is to say, there is an element at work who think nothing of eliminating a great portion of the world’s population and who consider this to be in some way, their duty.

Now there have always been elements within humanity who are subject to such drives. But at this time, some of these people have access to power and resources to actually put these plans into action. And as we said, see it as their duty to do so.

These people regard the common masses as simply inferior and regard them as disposable. And to this extent could be said to be devoid of their own humanity. They perceive no connection with that wider mass of humanity. So you can see that this attitude is in conflict with any concept of spirituality or spiritual connection. It is anti-human at its core.

And as the values on which societies, and by this we refer not just to western societies, but to societies the world over, as the traditional values that have bound these societies together are eroded, then it is in this way that these anti-human ideas begin to gain traction. And begin to gain traction amongst the very people who will be its first casualties. Those who offer these ideas sanctuary, rather than standing up to them and expunging them.

Now that is not to say that these anti-human ideas should be censored, for that would fall directly into the hands of those who seek to promote them. But it is by bringing these ideas and those who would promote them, and those who would accept them, into the sunlight, into the open, where they are exposed to the full force of public scrutiny; this is how these ideas can be fought.

Now we mentioned that the period of COVID-19 was a practice run, you might say. A means of gauging how things might be done on a grander scale, but equally, by doing this, their hand was shown. And the aware observer can learn a great deal from that time about how to fight back. What we would say is that this is not a time that calls for quiet defiance but rather is a time for open rebellion.

It is not in one’s individual interest or in the interest of the wider societies of which we spoke, to remain quiet. But it is a time to draw attention to these ideas and to those who would promote, implement, support and participate in their implementation.

If this sounds like a stark warning, then so be it. But it is not a time for fear. Fear is an expression of weakness, in this context at least. And to indulge in fear is to participate in the spreading and the implementation of these anti-human ideas.

There is in reality no need for fear, because in the face of outright rebellion against the implementation of these ideas, those who would seek to do so are rendered powerless. Now they can still do some damage. Particularly if the numbers of those who would conform, be it through fear or some other motivation, if their numbers are large. But those who seek comfort through conformity will not be spared.

*Porton Down, in Wiltshire, England, is the UK’s primary biowarfare research facility.

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