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hatchard hit job

Stuff Publishes its Hit-Job on Hatchard

Bought-and-Paid-For media outlet Stuff have published their anticipated hit-job on Dr. Guy Hatchard.

No one will be surprised to learn that at no point does the article dispute the substance of Hatchard’s work and his writings on C-19 with scientific evidence, but instead is heavy on inuendo and character slurs.

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Why are Activists Erasing J.K. Rowling from Her Harry Potter Novels?

“Because I am a woman, therefore you must treat me as if I actually am, otherwise you are transphobic. As I insist on participating as a woman in your groups, gatherings, or spaces you also must forgo discussing anything about your female socialization, female anatomy, or female functions because it hurts my feelings. “

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hatchard hit job

Guy Hatchard Ph.D. Answers Questions from Keith Lynch MA at Stuff

Keith Lynch, Stuff’s ‘Science Explainer’ who holds no science qualification, is clearly planning on publishing a hit-job on real scientist Dr. Guy Hatchard. The questions Lynch posed to Hatchard, via email on Sunday morning, clearly show his agenda.

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Ukraine Invasion

Why Has Russia Invaded Ukraine?

Watch TV news or visit a mainstream media website and you’ll see that the entire world has its hair on fire over Putin’s ‘sudden’, ‘unprovoked’ and ‘mindless’ invasion of Ukraine, to use just three favourite adjectives in the MSM reports.

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