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narratives unravel

Accident Compensation Commission Overwhelmed

As government C19 narratives continue to unravel around the world in the face of mounting evidence, the situation in New Zealand would be comedic, were it not so dangerous.

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doing right

The Case For Doing What is Right

Few would argue that a concept of morality is not a universal human trait. Universal in the sense that, there may be variations across time or culture, but no matter when or where, by-and-large, people know right from not-right and they want to do the right thing.

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Croatian MP Confronts Macron Over His Vaccine Mandate

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić directly confronted French President Emmanuel Macron during an EU Parliament summit, likening his draconian vaccine mandate to the death penalty.

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At Last, Some Good News

Drinking wine could lower risk of Covid infection, study finds.

A study through the UK Biobank that looked at how drinking habits affected Covid infection risk has found that drinking wine could reduce the risk of infection.

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neil oliver

Who Has Been Swimming Naked?

Neil Oliver does it again in his weekly editorial piece on UK’s GBN News. Doing as a true journalist should, he holds the powerful to account and excoriates the media for their complicity in advancing the authoritarian policies announced by governments over the past two years.

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Would the Real Chris Luxon Please Stand Up

The Redbaiter gives his view on National’s new leader, Christopher Luxon.

Is it so extraordinary that the electorate should expect their parliamentary representatives to convey their views clearly, concisely and honestly, and without the requirement for the recipient to hold an advanced degree in Media Spin in order to figure out what is being said?

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