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Scots Vaccination Passport App ‘Shares Personal Data with Amazon and Royal Mail’

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Personal data on Scotland’s vaccine passport app has been shared with a multitude of private firms and online businesses, it’s reported.

Privacy information on the Scots passport app reveals that personal information of it’s users will be shared with Albasoft, Amazon Web Services, CFH Docmail, Notify Service, iProov, Jumio, Microsoft Azure, NetCompany, Royal Mail and NetCompany.


From The Scottish Sun

Published 24 November 2021.

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  1. Note the added justification that “However, even though the information is “shared”, it is claimed not all of companies will be able to “access” the information.”
    Reminds me of that time Google Street View cars were found to be ‘accidentally’ collecting WiFi data, claiming they didn’t actually use any of the data they happened to collect (blaming the mistake on a ‘piece of legacy code from an experimental project’ in what was probably, in reality, a database field/s specifically engineered to hold that information): “It is now clear that we have been mistakenly collecting samples of payload data from open wifi networks, even though we never used that data in any Google products.”…”Password-protected web services, such as banking or secure HTTP addresses, would not have been included, and neither would data from password-protected wireless networks.”
    When they say ‘would not have been included’ it’s not the same as saying ‘weren’t included’. I’m sure the statement analysis guys would see through that one immediately…

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