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medical ethics

How Medical Ethics Came To Be Ignored

Dr Guy Hatchard makes another clear, powerful and well-argued plea for established medical ethics to be respected. And he looks into how these ethics have been ignored by both medical practitioners and government.

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How Gofundme Tried to Rip Off Trucker Supporters

As Australian comedian Celeste Barber found out the hard way, when people donate to a specific cause, the money has to go to that cause alone. Redirecting the funds elsewhere is called “fraud”. Which, as it happens, is a crime.

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special kindness

The Special Kindness of Jacinda Ardern

Except that is unless Dr Ashley The NZ Bill of Rights guarantees that ‘Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo medical treatment’, no ifs or buts.

Bloomfield decides that you do not have that right. In this he is encouraged by the ‘kindness’ of Jacinda Ardern and the compliance of all political parties.

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Attack of the Transphobic Putin-Nazi Truckers!

Satirist CJ Hopkins has posted another biting article, this one on the Canadian Freedom Truckers, and the way they are being maligned by besieged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and his lackies in the Canadian mainstream media.

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Trudeau Publicly Unmasks Himself

Earlier this week I wrote an editorial titled, “The Case for Doing What is Right.” In it, I noted that, “we have become accustomed to political figures stating bold-faced lies, while looking us squarely in the eye.”

Just yesterday, Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau gave us a classic example of exactly that.

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Being A Good German

In today’s polarised world, it is not uncommon to hear someone refer to someone else, whom they disagree with as a fascist, or a Nazi, or like Hitler. Hyperbole is alive and well on social media.

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